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The Good Stuff Foundation is able to customize a program for a specific group or organization based on the needs, ages and any physical or other limitations.

Contact us to discuss your specific group and we can build a program especially for you using yoga, mindfulness and meditation, breathing techniques, stress reduction strategies or any combination therein.

Currently The Good Stuff Foundation is conducting yoga classes at the Achievement Center for Educational Success in Darke County.  

With the support of a Darke County United Way Community Grant, the foundation is also offering yoga classes at 3 Darke County day-habs and a wellness program to the advocacy group, all in conjunction with Darke County Board of Developmental Disabilities.

Programs already developed and available include:

"Managing the Monkey Mind"   - Each hour long session includes teaching and actual practice of strategies to support individual group members  in defining what is mindfulness and how it can be helpful in daily living.  Specific techniques used to develop a "toolbox" of techniques include:  yoga or natural movement, breathing practices to support the ability to focus the mind, reduce anxiety, relieve stress and depression, and specific mindfulness exercises and activities.

"Emotional Well-being with Yoga"    This 6 week series includes a combination of breathing techniques, yoga poses, contemplation mediation and creative expression.  Each weekly session is approximately 1 1/2 hours.  No previous yoga experience is required.  


 Trauma Sensitive Yoga: Ideal for those coping with the effects of Post Traumatic Stress disorder. This may be related to military service (veterans), survivors of domestic violence or sexual abuse, or other events which have created significant loss of a sense of trust and safety.

No previous yoga experience necessary.

Care for the Caregivers: Designed to give caregivers an opportunity to replenish themselves and learn techniques to effectively cope with the stress and fatigue which is part of the caregiving experience.

Scholarships:  Know someone who could benefit from a class or workshop being offered locally?  Funding a scholarship may be just the ticket!  Call Ty for details and to establish  or access a scholarship option.

Customized programs: Have a program or a special group in mind? Want to discuss? Contact Ty by calling  937-417-0516 or email:

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