... a foundation for health and wellness
General donations are accepted. These are used to support any administrative and supply costs for the foundation or to supplement supply needs for specific projects. Contact Ty at 937.417.0516 or at goodstuff.foundation@gmail.com for more information or with questions.
You can also support The Good Stuff Foundation through The Darke County United Way!!!! Simply earmark your contribution for The Good Stuff Foundation. You can contact The Darke County United Way at 937.547.1272 or email unitedway@darkecountyunitedway.org for additional information and details.
You may also donate through The Good Stuff Foundation facebook page. Simply hit to donate button!
An amazon customer? Purchase your items through amazonsmile ! Choose The Good Stuff Foundation as your non profit to support! .5% of your purchase is donated to us.
Fundraisers for specific groups, programs or projects are also a great idea and can be developed with you to be sure the dollars are being spent in the best way possible.
Donations will be used for the following :
Program/project supplies such as paper, craft and art supplies, journals, yoga bolsters, blankets and other props. If necessary, dollars will also support rent of space. In most situations to instructor will be donating time or receiving a small stipend to offset costs of transporation, etc.